How do I get my 19 yr old boyfriend to get a job?
I found , in my vast mistake making in my early adult life, that I cannot make my boyfriend do anything, especially get a job. I was in a serious relationship with a man at 19, he was my childs father, and I felt like I needed to stay with him because of that situation and my navet. He didnt work, he had never worked, he lived off of his parents and me. I was supporting myself and our baby , while going to college, so I could get a good job and be more secure. No matter what I did or said, or how I pleaded, or what untimatum I made, he kept lying about the job applications, what he did in the daytime and really every thing he could lie about he did lie about. He was taking advantage of my kindness and sensitive nature. He expected he could do anything and I would still stay. He believed this because I had proven it to be true. I made ultimatums, but never stuck to them. I would tell him to leave, or quit calling me , but eventually gave up when he never respected my requests. I was a wimp and I allowed this abuse because I believed if I loved him enough he would change. My suggestion to you is move on with your life. He has proven that he doesnt intend to get a job, hes lying and being deceitful. Dont waste your young years. They can be so much better single, or with a person that respect you and themselves. If he matures and somehow stops lying and gets a job and turns into a man, THEN you can date him again if you are still interested. Hes wasting you. Dont allow it. We cannot change other people.